Situational Aphasia Wallet Cards
Aphasia Wallet Cards are a great way to inform people in the community about APHASIA, and provide COMMUNICATION TIPS.
Bryn created these Aphasia Wallet Cards based on her personal experiences with a variety of professionals out in the community.
Here is how Bryn suggests you use them:
1. PRINT the cards and put them in your Wallet or Purse to use in public.
2. Take a PICTURE of the card, SAVE it on your Camera Roll, and SHOW IT from your phone when out in public.
3. SHOW the printed card or picture of the card to person in community, and have them SCAN QR code for additional educational information about Aphasia.

Let us know if you would like us to create a Wallet card JUST FOR YOU.
We know everyone with Aphasia is unique, so we are happy to make you a PERSONALIZED wallet card displaying your own tips and challenges.
**Following purchase, we will send you an email to obtain details about your card preferences**