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Primary Progressive Aphasia 

Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)

Primary Progressive Aphasia, also known as PPA, is a degenerative neurological condition in
which language capabilities become impaired over time. However, it defers greatly from other forms of Aphasia. 

Brain Scans

PPA: The Journey to Diagnosis and What We Know about Treatment for Communication Difficulties

Receiving a diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia is hard. Sometimes it may only be in hindsight that all of the early signs of difficulty even become apparent. Learn more about what the journey to diagnosis of PPA may look like and how a Speech Language Pathologist plays a role in treatment for communication.


Acquired Aphasia Vs. Primary Progressive Aphasia: Aphasia in the news

While we are excited to see Aphasia in the news, recently, news sources have been using “Aphasia” to describe both Acquired Aphasia and Primary Progressive Aphasia. Which unfortunately, can spread incorrect information. We want to provide information and resources on both Acquired Aphasia and Primary Progressive Aphasia.

Doctor Diagnosis

PPA: A Caregiver's Perspective on a Different Kind of Aphasia

A caregiver shares her story and advice for others who may also have a family member diagnosed with Primary Progressive Aphasia.

Woman Writing

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