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Latest News

Online Eye-tracking in Aphasia Communication

Participants needed to participate in a research project regarding online eye-tracking in aphasia communication

Online Eye-tracking in Aphasia Communication

Research Participants needed for a language training study

Research participants needed to participate in language Training study.

Research Participants needed for a language training study

Aphasia Treatment Research Opportunity

This study is recruiting people with aphasia to participate in a virtual treatment study. The treatment uses gesturing, drawing, and speaking to help communicate.

Aphasia Treatment Research Opportunity

Measuring Sleep in Aphasia

Research Volunteers needed to help measure sleep in Aphasia.

Measuring Sleep in Aphasia

Do you have Aphasia or care for someone who does?

The Aphasia and Motor Speech Disorders Laboratory at George State University is studying stress and anxiety in people with Aphasia.

Do you have Aphasia or care for someone who does?

Participants Needed!

A graduate student at A.T Still University needs participants for her research study. You'll be asked to answer a questionnaire about your age, aphasia diagnosis, and impact of speech therapy and submit the form to the researcher.

Participants Needed!

Do you have Aphasia?

Purdue University is looking for individual with Aphasia to participate in 2-3 months of training sessions as they aim to develop novel treatments for people with Aphasia.

Do you have Aphasia?

Online Aphasia Research for Stroke Survivors

Participate in a research study about life participation, stress and mood.

Online Aphasia Research for Stroke Survivors

Fall Newsletter

We released our Fall newsletter this month! Read it here if you missed it!

Fall Newsletter

Do you have a diagnosis of Aphasia?

You are invited to participate in a paid research study investigating how the brain produces speech and how this can be disrupted by brain injury.

Do you have a diagnosis of Aphasia?

Lingraphica Speech Research

Lingraphica is looking for participants with post-stroke aphasia, apraxia of speech or dysarthria to provide speech samples to help improve voice recognition and technology.

Lingraphica Speech Research

Creative Care Circle

Come learn about art therapy! Bring your questions for how to enhance YOUR caregiving with art experiences. This session is designed for caregivers and healthcare providers/administrators. It will be held on Oct 10 at 11:00am EST.

Creative Care Circle

New Resource (Free for a limited time)

We are releasing our final technology resource! Learn all about the apps and resources you can use to assist with medical appointments and traveling. As with our other recently released technology resource, this will only be a free download for a short time. Be sure to download it now!

New Resource (Free for a limited time)

NAA's Community Hub

The NAA is excited to announce that they have launched their new Facebook Group! The NAA Community Hub!

NAA's Community Hub

Speech Recovery Pathway Recommends

Speech Recovery Pathway now offers a webpage dedicated to resources and recommendations.

Speech Recovery Pathway Recommends

New MEN'S Group

We added a MEN'S group to our selection of group offerings. The group is led by Ed Danielak, an aphasia survivor. Meetings are held Wednesdays at 5pm EST.

New MEN'S Group

Telepractice Assessment for Aphasia

Selina Teti, a PhD candidate, is recruiting individuals who had a stroke WITH OR WITHOUT Aphasia. They are examining a screening protocol that could be done via telepractice services for individuals with post-stroke aphasia that includes both an aphasia and cognitive screening test.

Telepractice Assessment for Aphasia

Virtual Study about Language

Dr. Brielle Stark is recruiting persons with aphasia. The study is NIH-sponsored. The study is looking at spoken language and gesture across two testing sessions.

Virtual Study about Language

Mid-Atlantic Aphasia Conference Support Group

MAAC Care Partner/Caregiver Aphasia Support Group

Mid-Atlantic Aphasia Conference Support Group

Resource Orientation Stroke and Aphasia (ROSA)

Join Temple University for their Resource Orientation.

Resource Orientation Stroke and Aphasia (ROSA)

©2021 by Integrative Reconnective Aphasia Therapy

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